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This is the distribution disk for wIconify version 3.8
It contains a number of ZOO files (in order to make the distribution fit on
one disk), plus a directory that contains the ZOO program itself, so you
should not have trouble extracting the files.
[Ed Note: Because it saved over 300 blocks on the disk, and allowed me
to get my normal distribution files and other stuff on the disk, I have
repacked the zoo archives as lzh archives, using lharc (supplied in the
:c directory of this disk). I was careful to ensure that the repacking
preserved all files by extracting trees from both the original zoo
and repacked lzh archives, and comparing all their files. For the
remainder of this file, I've changed all zoo references to lzh
references. -Fred Fish, 6/4/91]
First create a directory named 'wIconify' and extract the archives into it.
Each program has an associated documenation file that explains how to set it
up and use it. See these files for further instructions.
The archives are as follows:
wIconify.lzh The main wIconify programs and documentation.
Extract these files into a directory named wIconify.
wIconify-Source.lzh The source code for the wIconify program.
Extract this into the wIconify directory as well.
wUtilities.lzh A number of useful companion utilities.
Source code and documentation are included.
Extract this into a directory named wUtilities
(it can be a sub-directory of wIconify).
wIconSetter.lzh The wIconSetter utility, plus a number of
companion utilities for creating icons.
Extract this into a directory called wIconSetter
(it can be a sub-directory of wIconify).
wIconCalls.lzh The code and documentation necessary to use
the wIconify Programmer's Interface (wIconCalls.o)
plus example code (see also the wUtilities for
more examples).
Extract this into a directory called wExamples
(it can be a sub-directory of wIconify).
wKeys.lzh An updated version of the vernerable wKeys
program that takes advantage of the wIconify
user's interface. wKeys is a hot-key program
for manipulating windows and screens.
Extract this into a directory called wKeys.
Fonts.lzh A set of screen fonts that are smaller than
the standard Topaz font. These can be used
for CLIs that are opened on LoRes screens, for
example, in order to allow more characters per
line or more lines per screen.
Extract these into the FONTS: directory.
wIconify and its related companion utilities are free-of-charge. You may
re-distribute them provided that the source code, the documentation, and the
copyright notices also are distributed with it, and provided that you charge
no more than a nominal service charge.
wIconify and its related companion utilities are
Copyright (c) 1990,1991 by Davide P. Cervone, all rights reserved.
wIconify v3.8, April 1991
Davide P. Cervone
Mathematics Department
Brown University
Providence, Rhode Island 02912